Samuel Mess

“The generosity that the National Dairy Shrine provides to agriculture students helps fund your education, gives you opportunities to make new connections, and aids in strengthening the dairy industry!”

Regan Jackson

“Joining the ranks of the many leaders and dairy industry pioneers that have previously been awarded scholarships is an honor.”

Crystal Sinn

“It was so humbling and exciting to be selected by National Dairy Shrine members, many of whom have accomplished extraordinary feats in their lifetime. I felt encouraged to continue to push myself in my studies and strive towards finding the perfect path for myself within our expansive dairy community.”

Alexandra Gambonini

“Through this accolade, I’ve gained access to an expansive network of dairy professionals, and I’m truly grateful for the generosity and support that NDS has shown me and continues to show students year after year!”

Annie McCullough

“Each scholarship I received from NDS was a great honor for me, and they were a huge assistance to helping me accomplish my goals and finding my path in the industry.”

Ross Herber

“Recipients of a National Dairy Shrine scholarship also receive a lifetime membership in the organization. The National Dairy Shrine has already introduced me to so many passionate people in the industry. This was another amazing benefit of being selected to receive a scholarship.”